Friday 13 March 2009

The Sacred Heritage Of Turtle Tattoos

Turtle tattoos are becoming an increasingly popular choice so if you think you might like a turtle tattoo, read on.

There are many cultures around the world that attach significance and respect to turtles through legend and folklore. The turtle is a fascinating animal, it spends its life in the water but lays its eggs on the land, and thanks to their unique shell they are well protected from predators and danger. Deep meaning, respect and importance have been attached to the turtle due to its mysterious way of life and the fact that it can live to a great age. It comes as little surprise that these fascinating creatures are revered in some cultures with almost religious admiration.

The turtle holds a sacred place in the cultural heritage of many Native American tribes. Many of them attribute the creation of the world to the turtle. The Huron people, for example, believe that in ancient time a sky girl fell to our world, which was made of nothing but water and water based animals. Those animals took her to the wise turtle who told them to put grains of from the sea bed on his shell. They did this and soon the land grew and grew and the sky girl was able to live comfortably, as this land grew it became the world as we know it today.

This is only one example of how the many cultures of the world incorporate the turtle into heir 'creation' myths. Often, the turtle is suggested to either carry the world upon its shell or is directly or indirectly used to support the world or the heavens. The turtle is mostly associated with the qualities of reliability and tranquillity among many different cultures, and turtle tattoos are often used to represent bravery, endurance, courage, wisdom, recovery, safety, security, perseverance and longevity.

Another advantage of turtle tattoos is the ability for the tattoo artist to place an additional image within the tattoo. Many tattoo artists like to use the shell of the turtle to include another design or symbol. For example, if you have a turtle tattoo, you could also include the Japanese character for strength or any other image you desired within the shell.

Obviously, you need not use Japanese characters within your tattoo; you can always choose an alternative design or symbol that contains significant meaning to you to be on the turtle shell. After all, the whole purpose of a tattoo is to make it a personalized statement and turtle tattoos are quite versatile. Now that you have discovered some of the myth and mystery surrounding turtles you need to find a turtle tattoo design to suit you. And remember, you can personalize it by adding designs into the turtle shell.

For tips on tattoos and reviews on tattoo designs visit:

turtle tattoos

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