Monday 16 March 2009

The Attraction of Foot Tattoos

The tattoos of today are vastly different in style and placement to those of the old days. These, and the ability to create a truly unique design, are the reasons that foot tattoos are considered one way to express your individuality. Ultimately it is only you that will decide exactly what kind of tattoo you will have and where on your body you will place it.

But remember, what you consider the best design style and placement of tattoo may not be the best for other people. Choosing the right design and location is going to be difficult if this is your first tattoo, with this in mind it might be worth considering a foot tattoo as they are becoming increasingly popular.

Here are some facts about foot tattoos:

Foot tattoos are typically more painful: Because your feet are less fleshy than other parts of your body the skin on the foot is closer to the bone. The closer the skin is to the bone the more painful the tattoo will be. However, because feet are a smaller body part the tattoos tend to be smaller, the time spent in pain should be less as a result.

Foot tattoos are less obvious: Depending on where you work visible tattoos may not be acceptable, and you must always think of whatever future job or career changes may become available. Unfortunately, tattoos are not typically considered professional looking. If you choose a foot tattoo, and eventually get a professional job it will be very easy to conceal.

However, you need to remember that while healing it is recommended that you wear open shoes for the entire time. It usually takes between 2-3 weeks for a foot tattoo to heal but if it is absolutely required that you wear shoes, then it is advisable that you wear 2 pairs of light socks.

A tattoo on your foot is often considered sexy: Of course opinions will vary on what type of tattoo looks good on other people and even people who generally do not like tattoos seem not to mind foot tattoos and even find them attractive.

Foot tattoos may require more frequent touch-up work: Your feet are often exposed to harsher conditions than other parts of your body, after all you spend all day standing on them and after some time the ink on your foot tattoo may spread out and make the tattoo look blurry.

Popular foot tattoo designs: Star designs, words, and flowers. Of course you can work with your tattoo artist to create a unique and interesting design if you want something more than the usual type of foot tattoo images. Just remember the larger and more intricate the design the more painful the tattoo will probably be, and the more it will cost.

For tips on tattoos and reviews on tattoo designs visit:

foot tattoos

Is The Tattoo Sleeve Right For You?

Tattoos created by talented and skilled artists are rightly regarded as works of art.

However, what makes a tattoo really outstanding is the surface it is created upon, in this case it is inked onto your skin; you can actually turn your own body into a work of art.

You can have tattoos inked onto almost every part of your body, as a matter of fact, the location of your tattoo depends entirely upon you. One form of tattoo which has gained a lot of popularity lately is the tattoo sleeve.

So, what is a tattoo sleeve? A tattoo sleeve is a tattoo design that covers a large portion of your body and is created in such a way that the tattoo shows very little of your own skin. The entire area is covered with intricate patterns, objects, and designs.

As the name suggests, the tattoo sleeve is most often applied onto the arms. Commonly there are three main types of sleeve tattoos: Full Sleeve (shoulder to wrist); Half Sleeve (elbow to wrist, sometimes known as quarter sleeve as well); and Quarter Sleeve (shoulder to bicep).

However, a sleeve tattoo can be applied to other areas of your body; its name means that it is a wrap-around design and can also be applied to your leg as well. The important thing to remember about a sleeve tattoo is that it must wrap entirely around your arm or leg rather than being a single or group of images located on an otherwise bare piece of skin.

A professionally created tattoo sleeve design can be the most beautiful piece of artwork that can be inked onto your skin. However, the search for the best design for sleeve tattoos can be quite difficult and time consuming as you need to select your sleeve design with care. It is important that you plan out a tattoo sleeve and that you avoid rushing; a tattoo sleeve that has brilliant design and competently applied colours can be a work of art, one that is not well planned or executed can be a disaster.

If you are considering a tattoo sleeve, you will also need to bear in mind the cost of such a large tattoo, be prepared to pay the price. These types of tattoo do not come cheap and of course the larger and more intricate the design the more you should expect to pay for it. In fact, a full sleeve tattoo can be priced anywhere from a few hundred to one or two thousand dollars.

And you must remember that due to the nature of these types of tattoo, you will have to arrange more than one sitting, multiple sessions will be needed to see the completed design. A full sleeve tattoo can take between 20 and 30 hours to get done and for a tattoo of this size and complexity your tattoo artist will usually break up your sessions into 1 hour appointments.

Making the commitment to get a sleeve tattoo is a big decision. It will take a lot of money and plenty of time in the tattoo chair before it is complete, especially if you would like a full sleeve tattoo. But you must never rush into getting one, instead, make sure the design you want is carefully worked out and planned and choose a skilled and talented tattoo artist as they will be able to help you with all the preparation of your tattoo sleeve.

For tips on tattoos and reviews on tattoo designs visit:

tattoo sleeve

Koi Fish Tattoos And Their Meaning

Now that you have already decided to get yourself a tattoo the first part of the process is over. You just have to find the right tattoo design for you and as this is a major decision you should take your time and carefully figure out what type of tattoo you would like to have. Tattoo designs are only limited by your imagination and the capability of your chosen tattoo artist. A design worth consideration is the Koi fish tattoo; they are very popular and hold great symbolism.

So, what exactly is a Koi fish? Koi fish are large freshwater fish related to the Carp family and have distinctive bright or contrast colouring however, the orange and red Koi fish are often mistaken for large goldfish. The most common of the Koi fish colours are: Red, orange, white, black and blue. Just like many other types of fish their environment dictates how big they get, most grow no bigger than a mans forearm but with sufficient room they can reach sizes of up to 3 feet in length.

Koi fish are most treasured by the Japanese who have maintained a great respect and love of the Koi fish for thousands of years. They also breed them to stock sacred and ornamental ponds and because they are such beautiful fish.

Koi fish tattoos not only look good, there is also a great deal of symbolism behind the image of such a tattoo. When choosing a tattoo it is always nicer if there is a story or meaning attached to it, this way, when someone is admiring your work, you can explain the meaning or symbolism behind it and how this connects to you. Here are some of the meanings attached to Koi fish tattoos:

* advancements, improvements, and ambitions
* courage to surpass all the challenges of life
* determination and endurance in critical situations
* good luck in almost everything
* independence and freedom
* strength to withstand the test of time
* strong character and identity

As already mentioned, Koi fish are created in many brilliant colours and the real life creatures are ornate looking. A talented tattoo artist can capture the vibrant colours and the amazing look of the Koi fish onto your skin and create a beautiful work of art. However, be prepared to pay the price for such a work of art on your skin.

When a tattoo artist applies colours to your skin they are only allowed to use that ink on one person, the reason for this is simple, the needle and the ink have both been in your skin and therefore in contact with your blood, the needle then goes back into the ink. Whatever ink is left over must be disposed of for sanitary and health reasons and those coloured inks are expensive. While the tattoo artist does his best to waste as little ink as possible they usually do lose some.

If you would like a colourful Koi fish tattoo you will be charged accordingly however, Koi fish tattoos can be the most stunning works of skin art and worth every cent.

For tips on tattoos and reviews on tattoo designs visit:

koi fish tattoos

Friday 13 March 2009

Powerful Statements: The Lotus Tattoo

Tattoos are a great way to express your individuality. As a matter of fact, there are a wide range of tattoos that carry their own meaning and symbolism specifically intended to convey a symbolic visual representation. All you have to do is simply choose from the many available tattoo designs that you encounter.

A great choice for a tattoo design is from among the many different kinds of flowers. Lots of people choose floral tattoos and one type that has become popular is the lotus flower tattoo. As well as being a beautiful and exotic plant the lotus flower holds some strong, unique, and deep meanings.

The symbolism behind the lotus flower is directly related to how the lotus flower
begins its life and continues to grow. Imagine a body of still water in the depths of a tropical forest; when you think of the bottom of that pond, it becomes difficult to imagine anything pleasant. Perhaps the first term you would associate with that type of water is "pond scum". Yet, this is where the beautiful and majestic lotus flower begins to grow.

The lotus flower begins its growth at the bottom of the pond as a small bud attached to a vine. Gradually, the vine climbs toward the surface of the water though strangely the bud of the lotus flower faces downward whilst the vine grows toward the sunlight. But as the bud gets closer to the surface it finally turns to meet the sunlight. When the vine has grown long enough for the bud to become clear of the water it blossoms into a stunning flower.

The symbolism attached to all this is the miracle that something so beautiful could begin its life and develop from the depths of such slimy muck. When it finally finds the sunshine of the daylight and grows free of the muck and the slime, it blossoms into something very beautiful. Some of the meanings of a lotus tattoo are below:

* It represents a separated love and the nostalgia associated with it.
* It sometimes symbolizes birth as well as the real beauty deep within.
* It represents a new beginning in life.

A lotus flower tattoo can represent something truly significant and, provided they are drawn well, they are also very beautiful to look at. If you can find a tattoo artist who can truly capture the essence and beauty of a lotus flower on your skin, a lotus flower tattoo on your body can be a work of beauty. Most lotus flower tattoos reflect the range of vibrant colours they have in real life.

If you are planning to have a tattoo inked onto your skin, a lotus tattoo design is indeed a great choice and you will certainly be able to flaunt your tattoo with confidence and pride anytime you want. So, what are you waiting for, go grab your own tattoo with a lotus flower design now.

For tips on tattoos and reviews on tattoo designs visit:

lotus tattoo

The Sacred Heritage Of Turtle Tattoos

Turtle tattoos are becoming an increasingly popular choice so if you think you might like a turtle tattoo, read on.

There are many cultures around the world that attach significance and respect to turtles through legend and folklore. The turtle is a fascinating animal, it spends its life in the water but lays its eggs on the land, and thanks to their unique shell they are well protected from predators and danger. Deep meaning, respect and importance have been attached to the turtle due to its mysterious way of life and the fact that it can live to a great age. It comes as little surprise that these fascinating creatures are revered in some cultures with almost religious admiration.

The turtle holds a sacred place in the cultural heritage of many Native American tribes. Many of them attribute the creation of the world to the turtle. The Huron people, for example, believe that in ancient time a sky girl fell to our world, which was made of nothing but water and water based animals. Those animals took her to the wise turtle who told them to put grains of from the sea bed on his shell. They did this and soon the land grew and grew and the sky girl was able to live comfortably, as this land grew it became the world as we know it today.

This is only one example of how the many cultures of the world incorporate the turtle into heir 'creation' myths. Often, the turtle is suggested to either carry the world upon its shell or is directly or indirectly used to support the world or the heavens. The turtle is mostly associated with the qualities of reliability and tranquillity among many different cultures, and turtle tattoos are often used to represent bravery, endurance, courage, wisdom, recovery, safety, security, perseverance and longevity.

Another advantage of turtle tattoos is the ability for the tattoo artist to place an additional image within the tattoo. Many tattoo artists like to use the shell of the turtle to include another design or symbol. For example, if you have a turtle tattoo, you could also include the Japanese character for strength or any other image you desired within the shell.

Obviously, you need not use Japanese characters within your tattoo; you can always choose an alternative design or symbol that contains significant meaning to you to be on the turtle shell. After all, the whole purpose of a tattoo is to make it a personalized statement and turtle tattoos are quite versatile. Now that you have discovered some of the myth and mystery surrounding turtles you need to find a turtle tattoo design to suit you. And remember, you can personalize it by adding designs into the turtle shell.

For tips on tattoos and reviews on tattoo designs visit:

turtle tattoos

Exciting And Imaginative Wings Tattoos

Popular choices among first timers are the wings tattoos as many people find this image readily accessible and available in a range of attractive styles.

When it comes to wings tattoos you have several options available to you and what follows are some of the ideas you can use to help decide what type of tattoos with wings you would like.

Angel Wings: Some people choose to have their shoulders and back tattooed to look as if they actually have angel wings! Most people who have these types of decorative wings tattoos wear the designs for religious reference or symbolism.

Demon Wings: Alternatively, some people have demon wings tattooed onto their back and shoulders. These types are quite similar in design to the angel wings mentioned above and again they are usually obtained for religious reference or symbolism.

Fairy Wings: These types of wings tattoos are for people who are enjoy fantasy art. Again the tattoos are usually worn on the shoulders and back, however the design style of fairy wings tattoos are more popular with women than men.

Butterfly Wings: Another design favoured by the ladies is the butterfly wings tattoos, with the most popular position also being the back and shoulders. This type of design is inspired by one of the most beautiful of creatures in the natural world, the butterfly.

It is quite normal for the above listed wings tattoos to be quite large in size and intricate in design. So remember, if you choose to go with any of the wing designs you can expect to be using a fair amount of multi-coloured inks. If you decide that these types of tattoos would be right for you, be prepared for the cost. Of course it all depends on how big, how intricate, and how many colours are used; you should also be prepared to allow the time required for the multiple sessions needed to complete the tattoo.

If spending too much time, too much money or giving up that much of your skin is not appealing to you, you can always have smaller tattoos that feature wings. For example, instead of choosing butterfly wings; you can opt for a butterfly tattoo put somewhere on your body, and instead of getting angels wings; you can get a tattoo of an angel, etc...

You can get wings tattoos that make it look like you actually have wings or you can go for a tattoo of something that features wings. No matter which type you decide to have, you must be certain that you can live with that tattoo for the rest of your life. You should also take into consideration the amount of time and money you will spend to achieve the tattoo.

For tips on tattoos and reviews on tattoo designs visit:

wings tattoos

Saturday 7 March 2009

Are Tattoo Websites Really Reliable?

Nowadays, the internet is a varied and detailed information index, providing the user with facts and explanations for almost any subject in a simple low cost format; the internet has become a powerful and useful tool for finding tattoo websites. As a matter of fact, even the task of searching for the best tattoo designs can now be done effortlessly by using the internet to locate websites. Before the internet, you would have to rely on the design catalogues at the tattoo parlour.

This would limit your choices, if you were in a small town or lived some distance from a city; for example, you may only have a single tattoo parlour. Without any other means to find tattoo designs your only choices would be located in the local parlour. But now, thanks to the internet and the proliferation of tattoo websites, you can easily view the thousands of tattoo designs from all over the world in the comfort of your own home.

When you are sure you would like a tattoo, you should also be sure that the chosen tattoo is a design that you will be comfortable with for the rest of your life. Browsing quality tattoo websites is an essential part of finding the right tattoo and one that you will be proud to display for the rest of your life.

Most of the websites out there offering tattoo designs fall into two categories, there are sites that provide designs for free and sites where a fee is charged. The free sites may be a tempting option, particularly if you are tight on cash however, when it comes to choosing some artwork that will be a permanent feature on your skin you might like to reconsider using free tattoo websites.

Firstly, because they are free, millions of other people out there searching for unique tattoo designs will be looking at the same exact images. If you choose to go with a tattoo that you found on a free tattoo website, there is a chance that it will be anything but unique. Secondly, most tattoo designs on the free sites are generic and basic and offer little originality; do you want generic and basic, or do you want a work of art?

You achieve much better value by using one of the paid tattoo websites. Because the website charges a fee and money is involved, there is less chance your selected design will be seen by anywhere near the numbers of people using free sites. Therefore the tattoo designs and their uniqueness is more guaranteed.

Also, because these sites are run commercially, they can afford to buy-in top quality designs from talented tattoo artists and regularly update their stock of artwork. These tattoo designs should be far from basic and generic and because these sites are professionally managed they often have literally thousands of designs in multiple categories to browse through.

If you plan on getting some ink soon, then a tattoo website is a must. The support they offer is really useful and incomparable to that of any that you can find for free. You will enjoy the benefit of access to thousands of designs in every category imaginable. You will also have access to a network of people happy to share their experience; you may also watch videos for inspiration and even find the best tattoo studio near you.

For tips on tattoos and reviews on tattoo designs visit:

tattoo websites

Using a Tattoo Finder For the Best Tattoo Design

Finding a superb tattoo design is not as easy as you might think, and sorting through endless free websites can waste a lot of time and effort as many of the free sites have exactly the same designs.

The worst mistake to make is settling on a tattoo design simply because you became sick of looking or you could not find the right design so you picked an image that was just okay. "Close enough" is not a term that should be used when choosing the tattoo design that you want inked into your skin, this is a permanent image and will be part of you forever.

If you become tired or frustrated from searching because you are unable to locate any quality designs or the best tattoo design for you, there is some good news. The search for outstanding tattoo designs cam be made easier, and this is possible thanks to a helpful tool known as a "Tattoo Finder". This tool can help you find a quality design that is right for you. You can access this type of image locating tool by joining some tattoo galleries that are for professional tattoo artists or through some paid tattoo websites.

Thanks to the global reach of the internet it has become easier than ever to gain access to a massive variety of designs and body artwork through using a tattoo finder. Many tattoo galleries for professional tattoo artists utilize the benefits offered by the internet to showcase their designs. It is just amazing to see the tremendous number of incredible tattoo designs found at these sites.

As previously mentioned, it is possible to gain access to these tattoo designs, though you may be required to pay a small fee. However, when you compare what the cost of your time and effort is worth sorting through hundreds or even thousands of low quality free designs the fee becomes insignificant. It is far better to access thousands of quality designs in a single location rather than endure the tedium of searching site after site.

You may be fortunate enough to locate a tattoo finder site that is free apart from charges for the individual stencil and design. If you find an image that is appealing or that you like, you can pay the fee and print out the stencil and even the finished design. Then all you have to do is take it to your tattoo artist and they should be able to ink it onto you quite easily.

Of course, tattoos are totally about individuality and you should look to modify the design in some way to make it your own. Of course your chosen tattoo artist will also be able to help you figure out a way to individualize the design. They are among the most creative and artistic of people.

Indeed, a tattoo finder is a truly simple and easy way to find your ideal tattoo design without wasting a lot of time; you simply have to become a member of a professionals tattoo gallery before you can have fast and convenient access to this tool. There is no easier way than using a tattoo finder to help you in your search for an outstanding and excellent design for tattoos.

For tips on tattoos and reviews on tattoo designs visit:

tattoo design

Lion Tattoos Roar Loudly

The roar of a lion is an amazing sound and is without doubt loud and frightening, and is able to transmit the images of strength, courage and power. The lion has been held in high regard for these exact qualities for thousands of years, representing these attributes in almost every culture throughout the ages. The symbol of royalty it is also considered royalty among the animal kingdom, "The King of Beasts".

When choosing a lion tattoo most people tend to select a realistic looking lion image. You can have a calm, perhaps regal looking lion or maybe one baring its teeth, in a thunderous roar. The talent of the tattoo artist will decide just how beautiful or realistic the lion image appears on your skin.

A tattoo can be created to almost any size within reason, and lion tattoos are no different, you can have just the head of the lion or you could have the whole lion inked into your skin. You can have a lion tattoo that is only a few inches across or one that takes up the back or front of your torso entirely and of course anything in between. The design and size of the tattoo is entirely up to you too.

It is possible to obtain simple lion design tattoos, and a single colour lion can look effective once completed however, the best lion tattoos make use of different colours. Within the design these additional colours are used to fill in the eyes, mouth and teeth, mane, nose and the skin or coat of the lion.

There is also the option to have a tattoo with more intricately drawn detail if you have the animal portrayed in a natural environment; the African plains or a partial jungle scene can be used to create an imaginative and artistic background lending definition and life to your lion tattoo. Selecting a more complex tattoo design such as this will make the lion stand out even more by the use of a more colourful background.

As with any type of tattoo, the cost will be related to the size, number of colours and how intricate a design you choose. Because the cost is derived from these factors you should prepare yourself in advance by checking out just how much each tattoo is likely to cost, you may want a large fierce looking lion in a natural habitat background, but be prepared to pay for it.

Lion tattoos are a fantastic way of projecting an image of strength and power because they are graceful yet fierce creatures. Provided you select the right design and have it applied by a skilled tattoo artist you can proudly display a symbol of strength and power on your skin. You can enjoy being in the company of royalty and many others who have used the image of the lion to symbolize power, authority and the highest of standards.

For tips on tattoos and reviews on tattoo designs visit:

lion tattoos

Thursday 5 March 2009

Wrist Tattoos - Are They a Good Choice?

Tattoos, and the associated art of tattoo, have seen an enormous growth in popularity over the last few years. This is due to the concept of permanent body art becoming more socially acceptable and the greater availability of tattoo artists.

There are many skilled tattoo artists from whom you can obtain professionally created body art. But if you are unsure what kind of design you would like, most parlours offer catalogue books full of art from which to choose or to base your preferred tattoo design on. You will not only have to select the tattoo design you desire but also the location you would like the tattoo placed. Wrist tattoos are one possibility you can consider and in fact wrist tattoos are one of the most popular types of tattoos.

If you are considering a visit to a tattoo parlour for some artwork on your wrist it is advisable to keep the following in mind:

Pain Level: As with any tattoo you will always experience some pain no matter what the location of your ink. However, wrist tattoos can be more painful than other body areas because the skin is thinner here than on other parts of your body. However, as the available area is comparatively small, the tattoo is likely to be smaller and will therefore be completed quicker. This means that even though the pain may be more intense you should not have to endure it for too long.

Healing Time: Due to their exposed position, and because the hands and forearms are in constant use, healing time for wrist tattoos can be as much as two or more weeks longer than for a tattoo on a less exposed area of your body.

More Touch-Up Work: As already mentioned, the wrists are more exposed than other parts of the body; your wrist tattoo may fade quicker as a result of this greater exposure thus requiring more touch-up work to maintain its appearance.

Good Value: Because wrist tattoos are considerably smaller than the tattoos you would put on other parts of the body, the cost is lower. The larger and more colourful the design you choose, the more you will have to pay, but as wrist tattoos are usually small and relatively simple in design, two colours are often sufficient.

Easily Concealed: A definite advantage in choosing a wrist tattoo is that they are fairly easy to hide if you should need to. Simply by wearing a long sleeved shirt or by using a suitable watch or bracelet you can continue with your professional job or any other situation where a more discrete design is called for. Overall getting a wrist tattoo is a reasonable option, as long as you remember you may have to hide it.

Wearing a tattoo is a great way to express your inner self but choosing where you wish to have the tattoo is just as important, almost as important as knowing what design you want. The location will dictate the dimensions of the tattoo you will be able to have. Wrist tattoos are very popular and worth considering if you desire a smaller, more discrete type of tattoo.

For tips on tattoos and reviews on tattoo designs visit: Tattoo Designs.

Wrist Tattoos